PayPal’s consumer experiences, both web and the mobile app, got revamped summer 2018.
The app, primarily, was redesigned to focus more on its core features—sending and requesting money.
Paydiant—a PayPal company—provides cloud-based services for ATM providers.
PayPal customers can now find an ATM and withdraw cash from their PayPal account using the app.
Venice Interface Guidelines (VIG), was the design language for the PayPal consumer app, Venice.
It is a project I co-created with my former colleagues Chris Sybico and Libo Su.
PayPal realeased a redesign of the consumer app in late January 2016.
One of the features that the app did not support then, was the ability to let people add their bank.
I am the CCO of uTapp which I Co-Founded in 2014.
It’s an app that focuses on making getting together with your group of friends an easier and more enjoyable experience.